Great Falls Comedy Club presents JJ Jones, featuring Andrew Haskell, hosted by Nic Dufault!
Jones’ everyman approach has been a hit at notable venues like Boston’s Orpheum Theater and Rhode Island’s Comedy Connection. He’s a Colorado transplant and a Massachusetts-based stepdad whose unapologetically sarcastic style has earned him opening spots for nationally touring comedians like Lenny Clarke, Bobby Kelly, and Jim Florentine.
Join us at the Great Falls Comedy Club, 34 Court St, Auburn, ME, inside Craft Brew Underground, voted “Maine’s Best Beer Bar”.
18+, Seating at 7:00pm!
Make Laughter a Priority.
*Lineup subject to change
#comedy #standupcomedy #beer #craftbeer #nightout #comedyclub #makelaughterapriority #fun #laughs #greatfallscomedyclub #gfcc